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internship opportunity


The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA) is an advocacy organization of Women of Color dedicated to working with our communities to create a just society in which all Women of Color are able to live healthy lives free of violence.  SCESA’s core work is to give voice and develop action strategies that incorporate and address the experiences and realities of Women of Color and Communities of Color.

SCESA implements a multi-strategy approach of: Supporting and enhancing the leadership of Women of Color;  Advocacy and support for organizations by and for Communities of Color that will support their efforts to raise the consciousness, outrage and accountability within their communities regarding violence against women; Education and training on sexual assault and Communities of Color; Advocacy strategies to ensure that the realities of our communities inform systems change and public policy; and Collaborative efforts with other social justice movements to create an environment where all forms of injustices cease to exist.

SCESA is interested in supporting the leadership of Women of Color. We will work with all majors. If you are interested in learning, we are interested in you!  SCESA is an advocacy organization. We provide training, education and address national policy impacting on Women and Communities of Color. We do not provide direct services to victims of sexual assault.

SCESA offers several unpaid internship positions each semester:

  • Communication Intern assists with social media, newsletter writing, and basic administrative.
  • Policy/ Advocacy Intern assists with research and reporting on policy meetings and assisted with web-based research, compilation and analysis of data and data trends, and support for policy events.
  • Community Engagement Intern Will interact with communities of color organizations; assist in planning webinars, sitting in on topical calls and administrative duties such as compiling, tabulating, and analyzing data.

General Information: Interns are expected to work between 15 and 20 hours a week for a minimum of 12 weeks. Internship term start and end dates are flexible and may work around intern’s schedule. Internships are offered during the Summer, Fall, and Winter/Spring semesters. All internships are generally unpaid. Interns may receive academic credit if an agreement is made between SCESA and the intern’s college or university.

Eligibility: A candidate must be a graduate or undergraduate student and:

  • Have a demonstrated interest and commitment to working with Communities of Color
  • Have a commitment to ending all forms of violence against women
  • Have good oral and written communication skills
  • Be a self-motivator and flexible
  • Able to work in a Virtual Office
  • Able to commit to work for a minimum of 12 weeks

Application Procedures: Candidates must complete an application form and submit it with their cover letter, writing sample and resume. All application items must be submitted as a complete package. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Video interviews will be scheduled for finalists.

Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Internship = applications are due by August 4th
  • Winter/Spring Internship = applications are due by November 18th
  • Summer Internship = applications are due by May 5th

Note: If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat or a similar program then you will have to manually fill in, scan and send your application to the bottom e-mail

Click Here to Download Internship Application

Please save and submit your application to



Join us for an informational session

SCESA will be holding an Internship informational Session on TBD. This session is open to anyone interested in interning with the National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault. Join us for a discussion with our SCESA staff about the application process and what to expect in the internship program. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with staff and ask any questions you may have regarding our program.

**Please note this is session is not mandatory nor will it affect the application process.

Please click the link to fill out a registration form.

Once we receive your registration, we will email you the link to join the webinar. You will need an Internet connection to access the webinar.